Why Slow was founded

For those that don’t know me, I’ll run a quick intro. Auckland born, now living in Cambridge as part of the New Zealand Track Cycling team. I’m also an Olympian and Co-Founder of a start-up called Podium and have a passion for just always giving things ago. Hence, SL . OW

I’ve been into coffee for nearly as long as I can remember now. Well, since I was 17. So not actually that long. I started off like everyone else, with a mocha. I can still distinctly remember the first day I tried an espresso. I was in Adelaide at my first ever international track cycling competition. Drinking an espresso seem like the ‘hip’ thing to do. So I did and proceeded to spit it straight in the bin.

Now, I love all coffee. I love an espresso, a flat white and filter coffee. I’ve always been fascinated by the way this bean can be brewed in so many different ways and create so many different flavours. I also am obsessed with the way coffee brings people together. It has lit up interesting conversations with a stranger, it’s allowed me to meet some of my best mates and it’s also allowed me to listen to others about their lives. Along with Callum, my great mate we even started an event over coffee that we openly talked mental health struggles.

So, if you’ve got this far you may have already established the ‘why’ in all of this. I just wanted to see what the process was like from roasting my own coffee all the way through to drinking it. Whilst, creating a brand and one day a physical roastery and coffee shop that bring people together. So, I figured I’m 25. I’ve got nothing to lose and a lot of enjoyment to gain. So I started Slow and it has been so much froth so far. I can’t quite explain what it’s like ordering a green bean, roasting it, brewing it and then drinking it and going “oh my, it actually tastes f**king good”! To then also have some repeat customers and super positive feedback has just added to the awesomeness at the moment. I’ll write in the next blog about how nerving it was and still is selling beans to people along with running your own business.

If you ever needed a sign to just do that ‘thing’ you’ve always dreamt of doing. Consider this it.

To those who have supported so far, thank you. I hope I see you again soon.

Ps. The photo is simply me eating a $1 pizza in NYC. One of my favourite cities in the world that has come of the coolest coffee spots as well.

SL .OW Founder, Sam


3 Ways to make better coffee at home